The evolution of materials in vacuum cleaners

Sweeping and dusting are homicidal practices: they consist of taking dust from the floor, mixingit in the atmosphere, and causing it to be inhaled by the inhabitants of the house. In reality itwould be preferable to leave the dust alone where it was.’

That was a doctor, writing about 100 years ago. More than any previous generation, the Victorians and their contemporaries in other countries worried about dust. They were convinced that it carried disease and that dusting merely dispersed it where, as the doctor said, it became yet more infectious.Little wonder, then, that they invented the vacuum cleaner.
The vacuum cleaners of 1900 and before were human-powered (Figure 1.3(a)). The housemaid, standing firmly on the flat base, pumped the handle of the cleaner, compressing bellows which,with leather flap-valves to give a one-way flow, sucked air through a metal can containing the filter at a flow rate of about 1 litre per second. The butler manipulated the hose. The materials are, by today’s standards, primitive: the cleaner is made almost entirely from natural polymers and fibres; wood, canvas, leather and rubber. The only metal is the straps which link the bellows (soft iron) and the can containing the filter (mild steel sheet, rolled to make a cylinder). It reflects the use of materials in 1900. Even a car, in 1900, was mostly made of wood, leather, and rubber; only the engine and drive train had to be metal.

The electric vacuum cleaner first appeared around 1908*. By 1950 the design had evolved into the cylinder cleaner shown in Figure 1.3(b) (flow rate about 10 litres per second). Air flow is axial, drawn through the cylinder by an electric fan. The fan occupies about half the length of the cylinder; the rest holds the filter. One advance in design is, of course, the electrically driven air pump. The motor, it is true, is bulky and of low power, but it can function continuously without tea breaks or housemaid's elbow. But there are others: this cleaner is almost entirely made of metal: the case, the endcaps, the runners, even the tube to suck up the dust are mild steel: metals have replaced natural materials entirely.

Developments since then have been rapid, driven by the innovative use of new materials. The 1985 vacuum cleaner of Figure 1.3(c) has the power of roughly 18 housemaids working flat out (800 watts) and a corresponding air flow rate; cleaners with twice that power are now available. Air flow is still axial and dust removal by filtration, but the unit is smaller than the old cylinder cleaners.
This is made possible by a higher power-density in the motor, reflecting better magnetic materials and higher operating temperatures (heat-resistant insulation, windings and bearings). The casing is entirely polymeric, and is an example of good design with plastics. The upper part is a single moulding, with all additional bits attached by snap fasteners moulded into the original component.
No metal is visible anywhere; even the straight part of the suction tube, metal in all earlier models, is now polypropylene. The number of components is enormously reduced: the casing has just four parts, held together by just one fastener, compared with 11 parts and 28 fasteners for the 1950 cleaner. The saving on weight and cost is enormous, as the comparison in Table 1.1 shows.

It is arguable that this design (and its many variants) is near-optimal for today’s needs; that a change of working principle, material or process could increase performance but at a cost penalty unacceptable to the consumer. We will leave the discussion of balancing performance against cost to a later chapter, and merely note here that one manufacturer disagrees. The cleaner shown in Figure 1.3(d) exploits a different concept: that of centrifugal separation, rather than filtration. For this to work, the power and rotation speed have to be high; the product is larger, noisier, heavier and much more expensive than the competition. Yet it sells - a testament to good industrial design and imaginative, aggressive marketing.
All this has happened within one lifetime. Competitive design requires the innovative use of new materials and the clever exploitation of their special properties, both engineering and aesthetic.
There have been many manufacturers of vacuum cleaners who failed to innovate and exploit; now they are extinct. That sombre thought prepares us for the chapters which follow, in which we consider what they forgot: the optimum use of materials in design.

Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, England

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  7. They can also get compressed when extended under vacuum. When the pressure gets released, the bellows then return to their original shape. Vacuum Bellows
